Friday, November 9, 2007

First Academy Assembly

DId you ever notice that when something must be accomplished by a group, there are movers and helpers, naysayers and MIAs? Our little academy only has about 12 teachers in it and we couldn't get them all to our first assembly, or get them all to nominate students for the October awards, or get them to pay toward prizes. We have the go getters who do everything on time, ask if help is needed or even step in to make events flow more swiftly... but we also have the no shows who are not absent, just not willing to participate. how does one motivate someone who refuses to see a need? Who does not feel one of the team but also doesn't want to be on any team? Our small cadre of people who show up to meetings and events on time, prepared and motivated are slowly being dragged into the morass of apathy and doubt created by the few but vocal negative members of the team.
I sometimes feel that therapy or relaxation massage should be a required perk of teaching, part of the medical program htat we fight to renew every year. Am I alone in my frustration? I know I am not; but I feel like I am sliding across thin ice toward a deep hole from which I may never recover and I want to find a mental crampon or icepick to halt my slide before it is too late and I lose my joy in helping students discover their joy in learning.

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