Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Databases, Research, and Lesson plans

Did you ever notice that when you are bored nobody needs you, but when you are crazy busy somebody wants/needs your help right now?

Last week started a busy season in our library. We were having three or four classes per day in only four periods which means I don't get a period off to eat lunch and I become... Grumpy librarian cliche. Of course, this is when someone asks me to do my real job and teach a class how to use databases, how to access Digital Library, how to cite sources correctly and how to use the online catalog. All in one class period. To kids who didn't seem to want to be there. Hmm.

SO, Of course, I really went for it. I sat them in front of our bank of 20 internet linked computers and showed them how to access the list of databases. Then I talked baout what each of the databases was for. Then we explored two for about half an hour. I chose Ebsco for its usefullness to studetns trying to attempt research for any subject. I showed them how to limit to just magazine and newspaper articles or how to find video clips, sound bites, etc. They explored. I made sure everyone found at least a few sources. Then we talked about citing the source and the handy slips (pink for database) that I have available for their use.

Next we used WorldBook online. I figured this would be fairly comfortable and accessible as it was the end of the day and they started to drag. They found articles on their chosen subjects (Obama, Marijuana, police brutality, 50 cent, etc.) and saw how to cite them. Then we talked about plagiarism and its consequences. Whew. Then I talked baout how to find books, reference books and other sources and how each type of material had its own MLA format for correct citation. I showed them the colored slips for each reminded them that I am here to help and wound up having to remind them that the bell had rung and they were free to leave.

Sometimes being a busy librarian is good. :)


Marcy in TX said...

Sounds like you had them eating out of your hands. go Teach!

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Busy is good.
Not busy is unemployed!