Friday, October 3, 2008

High School and high heaven

We are in the middle of a high school book fair and have lots of people coming in and out and the new fields we have been expecting are still under construction upwind. Today they must have laid down a ton of steer manure because our whole school stinks. I am not sure why they didn't wait for the weekend, but the whole school is enveloped in a stinky cloud which permetaes our air conditioning and our clothes. I can't wait to go home and shower. No air freshener can combat this.

Otehrwise, we are doing well. We have sold a little over $100 in books so far and hope to get at least ten new books for the library. Life is always interesting. I liked Lovely Bones and am Reading about a spy academy for girls next.


Marcy in TX said...

An update! I love books and I hate bad smells, so I can relate a little. Did you hear? I'm going back to school finally.

Mrs. White's library world said...

Great! What will you study?

Marcy in TX said...

Ah, that is the question. I'm interested in everything, so a variety of things appeal. Have to get my feet wet on some basics first. :)